Improving social and behavioral science by making replication mainstream: A response to commentaries
The commentaries on our target article are insightful and constructive. There were some critical notes, but
many commentaries agreed with, or even amplified our message. The first section of our response addresses
comments pertaining to specific parts of the target article. The second section provides a response to the
commentaries' suggestions to make replication mainstream. The final section contains concluding remarks.
(2018). Improving social and behavioral science by making replication mainstream: A response to commentaries. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41, e157.
@article{zwaan_etal:2018:commentaries, title = {{I}mproving social and behavioral science by making replication mainstream: {A} response to commentaries}, author = {Zwaan, Rolf and Etz, Alexander and Lucas, Rich and Donnellan, M.}, year = {2018}, journal = {Behavioral and Brain Sciences}, volume = {41}, pages = {e157}, doi = {10.1017/S0140525X18000961} }