Commensurability engineering is first and foremost a theoretical exercise
I provide a personal perspective on meta-studies and emphasize lesser-known benefits. I stress the need for integrative theories to establish commensurability between experiments. I argue that mathematical social scientists should be engaged to develop integrative theories, and that likelihood functions provide a common mathematical framework across experiments. The development of quantitative theories promotes commensurability engineering on a larger scale.
(2024). Commensurability engineering is first and foremost a theoretical exercise. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 47, e63.
@article{vandekerckhove:2024:Commensurability, title = {{C}ommensurability engineering is first and foremost a theoretical exercise}, author = {Vandekerckhove, Joachim}, year = {2024}, journal = {Behavioral and Brain Sciences}, volume = {47}, pages = {e63}, doi = {10.1017/S0140525X23002224} }