Discussion points for Bayesian inference
Why is there no consensual way of conducting Bayesian analyses? We present a summary of agreements and disagreements of the authors on several discussion points regarding Bayesian inference. We also provide a thinking guideline to assist researchers in conducting Bayesian inference in the social and behavioural sciences.
@article{aczel_etal:2020:Discussion, title = {{D}iscussion points for {B}ayesian inference}, author = {Aczel, Balazs and Hoekstra, Rink and Gelman, Andrew and Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan and Klugkist, Irene and Rouder, Jeffrey and Vandekerckhove, Joachim and Lee, Michael D. and Morey, Richard and Vanpaemel, Wolf and Dienes, Zoltan and van Ravenzwaaij, Don}, year = {2020}, journal = {Nature Human Behavior}, volume = {4}, pages = {561--563} }