Calculates Bayes factors for simple designs under the possibility of publication bias
JAGS-Wiener is a JAGS module for the diffusion model
The WinBUGS diffusion model plugin is a set of Component Pascal functions that implement the first hitting time distribution of a drift diffusion process as a stochastic node in WinBUGS
BHOUM is a MATLAB toolbox for the joint analysis of two linked longitudinal variables, across multiple participants. The toolbox is freely available, either as a standalone program as a MATLAB package
BCCT is a user-friendly program for estimating psychometric models in the absence of a known answer key. Developed in MATLAB, BCCT is available as a stand-alone program, and requires no programming skill to use
The RWiener package provides R functions for the Wiener diffusion model. It implements four new distribution functions dwiener, pwiener, qwiener and rwiener